Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ridley The Xenogon Review

Ridley The Xenogon 
Before I get down to the review, I wanted to share a little short story. I really like writing stories to go with some of my more favorite toys, this one is no exception. So sit back, relax, get some popcorn! Don't like stories, simply scroll down to the review kiddos! 

The moon was high in the midnight sky. It's pale glow eased down onto my body, lighting the thin trail in front of me. My shoes crunched the red dirt beneath them in a steady, smooth pace. The stars sparkled across the blue-black abyss like spilled salt. Twinkling and winking and playing in the darkness. My eyes soaked in the world at night. The trees reaching up into the night like small fingers.
It was the perfect night for stargazing. 
My pack swayed with my every movement as I climbed the lone hill. The hike was long, but the reward at the end was so worth it. I had been away from these hills for far too long. I was pleased to be back to visit. 
An owl cries out in the darkness, hollow and lonely, the sound kisses my ears like a swift whisper. Finally, after a long climb, I reach the top of the hill, a small clearing at its crown, breaking away from the thin trees and scrub brush. I plop my pack into the dirt with a small thunk and unzip it. I grab my thick blanket and shake it out into its fullness, lying it down onto the smooth earth. I sighed as my body relaxed from the rigorous hike. Now for my favorite part. 
I slipped my boots from my feet, carefully, slowly, one at a time. Kicking them off to the side of my blanket. I undid the catches of my shorts and drew down the zipper slowly. I sashayed them down over my hips, bending forward leisurely. Like a strip tease for the night. I tenderly kicked my shorts aside, standing alone in my thong and low-cut shirt. I grabbed the bottom hem of my tee and peeled it up over my head. It added to the growing pile of clothing. My undergarments slipped off like butter, coming away from my body daintily. 
Absent of all clothing I stood in the presence of the stars, free and wild. The world was big and I  was small, but that only added to my admiration for it. 
I sprawled out on the large blanket, body now feeling the breeze that was whispering through the trees, rustling their branches softly. My nipples pert with the chill in the wind. I sighed out lowly, breathing in the scent of the pines, the smell of the dirt…the smell of the earth. My eyes darted up to the stars, shining down on my small body, offering me their light from billions of miles away. It was such a vast, otherworldly place. It always conjured wonderings of life beyond the earth in which I existed. I wanted to believe that we were not the only ones here. There had to be something out there besides us. I chewed my lip thoughtfully and closed my eyes, but only for a moment. 
A moment turned into a minute, and a minutes turned into full on sleep. 
Suddenly theres a loud whirring sound. 
I'm shaken from sleep and snap into an upright position. My eyes fly open and I peer around me. Theres a ferocious wind whipping through the trees now, blowing them madly, and the world is bathed in a pale, bright, blue glow. Theres a haunting groaning sound reverberating through the wilderness. It's a sound I have never heard before. My pulse races, my heart thumps in my chest. What is this? What is happening? And then, just like that, it all stops. The world goes silent and the wind settles. My eyes flick around the clearing nervously. What in hells name could have caused all that!? 
Suddenly I hear the cracking of a branch to my left. My head snaps that direction, eyes wide and fearful. There is more rustling. Brush being parted by a large body. 
And then…it steps into the shadows. 
I draw in a sharp gasp as my eyes lay over its form. 
It's massive. 
At least ten feet at the shoulder. 
Eyes glisten from a face that resembles somewhat reptilian. They are blue and glowing like two coals in its head. 
My body freezes, too scared to run and too shocked to fight. 
"Do not be afraid earthling." Comes a definitely male voice.
I furrow my eyebrows together. 
"Who…who are you?" I whisper shakily. 
He takes a step toward me. 
He sports large, clawed feet, thighs muscular, body ridged and toned with scales and muscle. 
"I am Ridley. I come from far away, I come to gather studies on earthlings like yourself." He muses robotically. 
I raise my eyebrows and relax a little. He doesn't seem to want to do me harm. 
The way he moves it fluent, graceful, gorgeous. 
He comes closer to me and his eyes flash with fascination. 
"What are you doing?" He asks slowly leaning down and running a claw over my shoulder. 
The touch is not menacing. 
"Stargazing. Wondering if there could possibly be life out there…I suppose I have my answer now don't I?" I say smiling at him. 
He breaths out slowly, but doesn't return my smile. He is too transfixed with my body and my form. 
"You look…different than other earthlings I have observed…where is your…uniform?" He asks confused. 
I snicker. 
This guy needed to get out more.
"I took my clothes off. Thats how I star gaze. It's more relaxing that way." I whisper smoothly. 
I run a hand over his scaled arm and he flinches at the touch. 
I just smile at him.
"It is…it is most desirable. Seeing an earthling without…clothes." He utters hesitantly. 
I turn toward him slowly, eyes drawing up him and then back down. 
"You like what you see?" I whisper lowly. 
He nods slowly, as if not sure about the question. 
I look back down his body, he wears no clothes, nothing to hide him from other's eyes. I can see the outline of his large male anatomy in the dark. 
I grinned deviously. 
Maybe I wanted to really taste what other galaxies had to offer. 
I make a slow move toward him and his eyes are sparkling and curious. 
"You said you wanted to study earthlings. I know the best way to accomplish that, I can show you, if you would like." I whisper to him slyly. 
He meets my gaze.
"I wish to be taught…" He says his voice gruff and deep. 
I run my hand up over his massive cheek. 
I pull him in close, pushing out lips together harshly. 
He gasps at the motion and the sudden advancement, but he does not pull away. He eventually relaxes and returns the offering of affection. He does not know what to do, and so I show him. I part his lips and slip my tongue along his. He seems to understand and his longer, lither, tongue wraps around mine. He teases meanly with that tongue of his, its large and smooth and quick. He groans against me. It's a guttural sound more like a growl than anything else. It rumbles up through his chest and the vibrations coarse through me. 
I break the kiss breathlessly, ragged and already coming apart at the seams. 
I push him backward and he hits the blanket hard, large body taking up its entirety and hanging off the sides. His tight, alien abdomen is riddled with the muscles of another species. He is toned and molded by means I can only wonder about. Other galactic war? Space travels unknown. 
I run my hands over him. Exploring and touching and feeling. He sighs beneath me and his hot breath flows over me. It's thick and sweet and delicious. 
I'm on him like a bad habit. My hand runs down him slowly, taking my time to feel every inch, every ridge and every scale. 
My light fingers come to his male anatomy. His large shaft stands erect, coming forth from his sheath. I have never seen anything like it. It's just as alien as he is. I snake my fist around his girth. He's thin at the top, near his undefined head, but as I stroke downward I feel him widen out into a massive, swollen knot. Ridges and raised bumps line his sides. I am practically drooling at just the touch alone. I have to feel him inside me. 
Need, to feel him inside of me. 
I retract my hand from pushing and pulling him and he watches enthralled with every movement. 
I lift my thin hips and his hands come to my waist. 
He looks at me with wonton eyes.
I am but an offering to a god of the stars. 
I lower myself upon him, hissing smally as he pushes in. He's hot, and big and wondrous. 
I let my body become used to him, sinking him in inch by inch, sliding over his knot with much effort. He groans lowly as I do so. Claws dig into my soft flesh just a little, the sting is not all unpleasant. I grit my teeth together harshly. 
And then…I begin to move. 
Rolling my hips forward, pushing him into me, starting a rhythmic glorious movement that has him moaning like a virgin. 
I can see all his teeth. 
They are white and they shine like pearls set in his jaws. 
My hands come to his chest, groping weakly, trying to find something, anything to hold onto. 
I fling my head back, bathed in the moon beams, mouth wide in a loud, shameless moan. 
He is snapping his hips up to meet my thrusts. 
Body against body.
He is so big. 
Just a massive creature of another world. 
His eyes screwed shut, breathing heavy and ragged. 
I'm thrusting faster, wanting more of him inside me, taking as much as my body can possibly handle. He's gripping tighter, breathing harder. He's clumsy and needy and handsy. 
He moans out loudly, it's more of a roar than a moan really. 
And then I'm there. 
Body coming undone, unraveling around me without my control.
I come in a wave of glorious pleasure, my muscles convulsing around him.
I'm howling like an animal.
Fingers digging into his stomach.
My body tightens and he's there too.
He thrusts up into me harshly, a guttural roar rumbling up through his teeth.
His voice echoes through the night like a freight train. 
I can feel his ejaculation inside of me. Coating me, filling me.
He thrusts into me weakly, pumping every last drop into my worn body. 
I collapse onto him, spent, unable to move another muscle. 
Before I can fight it, my eyes slide closed, and sleep takes me.
When I awaken, he is gone. 
Back into the stars from which he came. 

Alright! Now let's get down to the review kiddos! Have you ever wondered if there happened to be life out there in the stars? Well now here's your answer. There is, and he'd well endowed! Let me introduce you to an alien, that you seriously need to get to know, Ridley the Xenogon! As you all know I am a die hard Bad Dragon fan. Ever since really getting into Bad Dragon I had my eye on this handsome alien. I just couldn't get over how absolutely perfect he looked. His bumps, his ridges, his knot. Oh my. It just made it even better that he was an alien. I have a big soft spot for aliens. I mean lets talk about hot. I constantly stalk the bad dragon forums and website for sales and promotions, so when they announced a glorious Frankenpour sale I ran on over to bad dragon and filled up my cart! I just can't help but to get grabby hands when Bad Dragon has sales. And lucky for me they happened to have a gorgeous Ridley frakenpour!! He was perfect. It was love at first click. Without a second thought Ridley was mine and on my way to my house! 
Shipping of course was easy. I really love ordering ready made toys from Bad Dragon because they ship out so fast! I mean don't get me wrong, I love ordering custom toys also, but I simply adore adoptions. It's so exciting to bring fantastic colored toy home! Adoptions always have the prettiest colors. As do frakenpours. I love frankenpours. Some people are not too keen on them but I on the other hand LOVE them. No two frakenpours are alike. Each one is super unique and one of a kind and that just makes them so special. At least to me. So show those frakenpours some love! If you ever get the chance to take one home, do, you will love it. But anyway buying my Ridley was as easy as click, click and he was mine! He was shipped out in three days and was on my doorstep two days after being shipped! Came in the normal brown box, wrapped in purple tissue paper with about twenty thousand packing peanuts! 
Since my Ridley was an adoption I did not get to pick his colors! But here are the features that he came with. 
Size: Medium. I felt like the small Ridley was just a little too teenie for me therefore I opted for the medium size option. Here are the dimensions the Ridley: 
Dimensions (inches)SmallMediumLargeExtra Large
Diameter of Head1.301.602.002.50
Diameter of Shaft1.201.401.802.30
Diameter of Knot2.002.403.003.75
Usable Length5.757.008.5010.50
Circumference of Head4.004.756.007.25
Circumference of Shaft4.004.756.007.25
Circumference of Knot6.507.759.7512.00
Total Length7.008.5010.2512.50
Silicone Firmness: Medium
Color: Frakenpour 
Suction Cup: No
Cumtube: No 

Bad Dragon specializes in making your dong wishes come true! You can get any toy in any size, or color you'd like. And Bad Dragon is always adding new toys to their page. You can even vote for designs at the Bad Dragon labs! Or submit a design of your own! Bad Dragon is incredibly user friendly and dedicated to their customers! Not really ready to drop that much money on a toy? Check out their adoptions page. Bad Dragon keeps a healthy inventory of ready made toys! They label them as flops, ready mades, and frakenpours. Those are the types of toys that usually lurk in the adoptions page. Flops are toys that have a small flaw in them, say a nick in the toy, or an air bubble. I own several flops! Just because a toy has a miniscule air bubble that can hardly be seen doesn't mean it's any less awesome than a custom toy! Also flops are usually heavily discounted. Which is awesome! So if you are in the market for a bad dragon toy for less coin, go take a trip to their adoptions page. And also keep an eye out for Bad Dragon sales. I have found Bad Dragon loves holiday sales. So every holiday cruise on over to Bad Dragon and see what kinds of deals they have going on! 

Now for the fun part! 
When I opened Ridley's neatly packed box, I pulled him out and just couldn't get over how heavy he was! This boy was nice and big! I ripped that plastic open and ran my hands over him. He was glorious. I couldn't stop running my fingers over his small bumps down his shaft. The angle of his head, the shape of his knot. Oh I had to get to know this big boy from outset space. 

Oral usage 10/10 
Ridley is a very intricate toy. Which makes him all the better for oral stimulation! He has a lot of little ridges and bumps that are just so much fun to run your tongue over. His shaft is a great size to suck on and I very much enjoy the shape of his head. I couldn't get enough of him. His base has a wonderful almost mechanical detailing to it which just really screams alien! He was wonderful when used orally. Just licking him and tasting him has me reeling to get down on him!

Vaginal usage: Seriously I'm not even going to rate this with a number because that doesn't do him justice.

This toy, is amazing. I don't even care if you don't like toys, don't like aliens, don't like sex. You'd like this. I readied myself for a nice shower date with my new alien boy. I'd been lusting after Ridley for months, and finally with him in hand I couldn't have been more excited. 
I started by gently rubbing him over my clit, readying myself to take him. I didn't really warm up so I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to take his knot. I sank down onto his shaft and right away I was in heaven. The bumps on the sides of his shaft are incredibly prominent, but they don't grab or stab, they slide. They massaged me in literally all the right ways! The slight tilt and strange shape of Ridley's head is PERFECT for G-spot stimulation. Spot on stimulation. Like he can't miss. I began grinding on him and thrusting him into me. Ridley had me in a chokehold of pleasure. I was falling to pieces before I even knew what happened! I was aroused enough to take most of his knot first try without any warmup! Now that my friends is really saying something. This toy is amazing. As soon as I lowered down off my orgasm I knew that this baby had just earned his keep in my toy box. This alien doesn't kid around. 

Anal usage n/a
I have not used Ridley anally yet, but because of his base he is indeed anal safe kiddos! 

Overall evaluation: 
Ridley is a great toy. His design is perfect, and Bad Dragon really outdid themselves with this one. He's great for those who love knots and he's even great for those who don't! His shaft is long enough to be pleasurable without even touching the knot! 
I would recommend this toy to beginners and pros alike! To those who like textures and great details! So do yourself a big, big, BIG favor and go bring a Xenogon home today!! 
1. Great texture
2. Amazing details
3. Made of silicone, making him body safe, non porous, and easy to clean! 
4. Perfect curve for a woman's G-Spot
5. Great for those who like knots and for those who don't. 

1. My Ridley is a medium, this may be too large for some, but he comes in every size so I guess this really isn't a con!
2. Alien like, could be a turn off for some

Go check out Bad Dragon and all their wonderful customizable toys! 

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