Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kelvin The Ice Dragon Review

Kelvin The Ice Dragon

So this is a special kind of review. In this review I will be reviewing not one, but two Bad Dragon toys! Mostly because I am too lazy to do two separate reviews for these toys. They are the same model, with minor differences, so I just lumped them together and decided to do a joint review. So today I have for you a review of Bad Dragon's wonderful Kelvin The Ice Dragon!! One medium packer model, and one small medium firmness, cumtube option model. These two kelvins were actually some of the first toys I ever ordered from Bad Dragon wayyyy back when. I actually picked these two "brothers" up from the same flop sale. Bad Dragon was having a flop inventory sale and I finally caved in and decided I needed some Bad Dragon toys to add to my then very small toy box. I like to think that is where this whole addiction of sex toy collecting was born. As a first time bad dragon buyer, picking which model I wanted to buy was the hardest part. I was immediately drawn to Kelvin. He had these amazing ridges and scales and a subtle knot that I just fell head over heels for. As soon as I saw him, I was sold. My first of my two Kelvin's that I picked up was my packer. The toy pictured on the left, without the cumtube. 
I have always had a thing for floppy dildos. There is just something about a nice limp, floppy penis that I cannot get enough of. I like to put floppy penises in my mouth, flop them around, squeeze them, fondle them, just all around love on them! So when I saw this Kelvin packer in a solid gorgeous red color I had to have him. Into the cart he went, and I continued shopping. While browsing along the adoptions page I stumbled not seconds later across an identical Kelvin toy, same color, except this one was in a medium firmness, and had a cumtube! He also went into my cart, and these boys were ready to come home with me. 
About my toys: 
The toy on the left was an adoption, he came with these features:
Size: Medium
Silicone Firmness: Extra Soft "packer" firmness
Color: Red
Suction Cup: No
Cumtube: No

The toy on the right was also an adoption, he came with these features:
Size: Small
Silicone firmness: Medium
Color: Red
Suction Cup: No
Cumtube: Yes

As always, review Bad Dragon's size charts VERY carefully before ordering a toy. Many of Bad Dragon's "smalls" are not very small at all. They can sometimes be quite monstrous. In Kelvin's case, the small should be perfect for beginners or those who are not made for bigger toys. He is a normal sized small. Here is Kelvin's size chart: 
Dimensions (inches)SmallMediumLargeExtra Large
Diameter of Head1.401.602.002.40
Diameter of Shaft1.201.401.802.00
Diameter of Knot2.002.202.803.30
Usable Length5.006.007.509.00
Circumference of Head4.505.256.758.00
Circumference of Shaft4.505.256.758.00
Circumference of Knot6.007.009.0010.50
Total Length6.007.259.0010.50
Shipping 10/10
Since both kelvins were purchased at the same time, they arrived in one neatly packed box together. Bad dragon's packaging was discreet as usual in their normal brown cardboard box, packed with a mountain of packing peanuts inside! And because these boys were ready made toys they were shipped out to me within three days of ordering, then arrived three days later on my front doorstep. 

Oral use: Kelvin Packer 10/10
The reason I bought my Kelvin packer is because I wanted him for oral use. Packers, or toys in extra soft are normally not good for insertion, and in my Kelvin's case I have never been able too insert him. He is simply TOO squishy. But that is ok, I purchased him knowing this fact. Now for those who don't understand the packer firmness I could see where this could be very disappointing to order a toy and not be able to insert it!! Packer firmness is VERY SOFT. Imagine a marshmallow. Its about like that. Try inserting a marshmallow into any hole other than your mouth…yeah, thats difficult. But that aside, my Kelvin packer was bought with the understanding of this. I just wanted a nice floppy dildo that I could slap all over, play with orally, and that my fiancĂ© could use on me as a punishing spanking tool. Packer's make for great floggers. Just FYI. Bry highly enjoys slapping me with floppy Kelvin when I misbehave as he gets to play the roll of Dom. Normally I am Dom, but hey I let him play the roll sometimes. Gotta share right? can't hog the Dom position ALL the time. C'mon now that is just selfish. Orally Kelvin is wonderful, everything I imagined I'd be getting when I ordered him! He's so soft to swirl my tongue around and pop him in and out of my mouth. I love the way he feels on my tongue, and his shape makes him super easy to deep throat. His ridges are very nice stimulating my tongue, and his knot, mmmm it makes me drool just thinking about sucking that knot! 

Oral Use: Small Kelvin with Cumtube 8/10
Even though these two toys are the same model, they are very different. Such a small thing as size and silicone firmness completely changes a toy. My Small kelvin is a lot firmer than my packer kelvin, making his ridges much more intense orally, and a lot less squishy and wonderful. Kelvin's cumtube feature makes oral…a little awkward for me. That tube just gets everywhere when I'm trying to get into tonguing him down. He is much smaller than my kelvin packer, so I'm not able to get him as far down my throat as my packer, but he's still an enjoyable oral partner all the same! 

Vaginal Use: Kelvin Packer N/A
Because my Kelvin is indeed a packer, or female firmness toy, he is too soft for me to actually insert him. He is used for oral, and bondage situations only. I also enjoy putting him in a female harness and letting him flop around for some fantasy play. 

Vaginal Use: Small Kelvin with Cumtube 7/10
My small kelvin happens to be the very first Bad Dragon toy I ever purchased with a cumtube! So he was a completely new adventure for me. At first I was a little disappointed with it quite honestly. I couldn't really figure out how to get him to "shoot" cum, and not just ooze it out. This actually still eludes me with this toy. I have tried deluding the lube a little with water and that seems to help slightly, but still most often Kelvin just tends to ooze, and nor really shoot. Its really just become part of his personality and now that I have grown to love him, this doesn't really bother me. Kelvin is a great toy to use vaginally. As soon as I got him out of the box I had to try him out. Kelvin is a size small, and for Bad Dragon he is a pretty small, small. He's excellent for those who cannot handle larger toys, or beginners! If you want something with some radical scales and a nice subtle knot, but you aren't exactly a size queen, small kelvin is the toy for you! I really enjoyed the fact that I did not have to warm up to him like I have to do for some of my other, much larger toys. He's one of those toys that you just pull out, and ride away! There are a few factors that cause me to score the small kelvin the way I have. 1. He is a great size for beginners, and when I first obtained him he was a great size for me, but now I have moved up to prefer much, much larger toys, so Kelvin sort of falls short now to some of my other beastly toys. I suppose you could say I have out grown the little fella! Though i still sometimes grab for him when I want some easy, cumtube fun. Also I love the cumtube feature, but when really getting into it with such a small toy, the large cumtube can become…cumbersome. With some of my larger toys that have cumtubes this really isn't a problem, but I believe since Kelvin is so small, it gets in the way a lot more with him. But despite all that Kelvin is a great toy, he has a wonderful curve that hits the sweet spot just right, and his scales are perfect for a little texture, but nothing too intense! 

Anal Usage: Kelvin Packer N/A
Since Kelvin packer is too squishy for vaginal use, he's also too squishy for anal!! 

Anal Usage: Small Kelvin with Cumtube: 10/10
Now where Kelvin may have fallen short in the vaginal department with me, he certainly made up for it with anal! Kelvin's tiny size makes him perfect for me for anal toying! I may like big toys in my vagina, but I do not like them in my back door. I have an anus that simply refuses any sort of large toy. So Kelvin was a fantastic anal toy for me! His cumtube feature allowed me to pump in more lube where I needed it and since he has a nice base, he's totally anal safe. His not too pronounced ridges made for great anal thrusting, so this little fella certainly earned a spot in my heart with anal usage! 

Overall both of these toys are fantastic editions to my toy box! Bad Dragon always knows how to deliver simply the best in fantasy toys! I cannot brag on this company enough. The customizable options are simply unbeatable. If you have a hankering for a dragon, dog, monster, or horse skip on down to Bad Dragon and wrangle yourself a creature of your own! Go ahead, they don't bite…much. 
Happy toying!

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